It is a pleasure to unveil the third Strategic Plan of the Uganda Evaluation Association (UEA) for the five year period 2021 to 2025. The Association was formed in 2001 as a National Chapter of the African Evaluation Association (AFREA). We have grown from a membership base of below 50 in 2002 to close to 400, including affiliated institutions and interested evaluators. We aim to ensure excellent evaluation management in Uganda’s development process. Thus we are committed to promote the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) practice and use, through advocacy and capacity building and promoting partnerships among key evaluation and development actors. By the end of the plan period, we target to establish a community of practice that effectively influences evaluation management and use in the country.
We have a strong and committed Executive Committee that will oversee the effective implementation of this Plan; Mr. Matthew Lubuulwa – President; Mrs. Josephine Watera – Vice President; Ms. Annette k. Mutoni – Treasurer; Mrs. Christine Abong – General Secretary; Mr. Vicent Ssenyondo – Asst. General Secretary; Ms. Nacwa Shakira – YEEs representative, Mr. Christopher Mayanja – UMI representative; Dr. James Wokadala – representative Academia, Mr Mathius Mulumba – Executive Member. In its work, the Executive is supported by the Administrator.
We look forward to work with all key evaluation stakeholders in the public and private sector, civil society and academia in Uganda; African Evaluation Association (AFREA); regional and international bodies and development partners to improve the livelihoods of our people through professional evaluation.
Click here to read more about the Strategic Plan